Simple Fair Prices. No Surprises
No hidden fees or paying per user. Only pay for what you see.
ERM & Workflow
Unlimited user access, including:
Automated workflow
Decision support
Vendor management
Departmental budgetting
License Module
Stakeholder communication
Get a Price
Usage Stats module
ERM & Workflow
Usage Stats Module
COUNTER compliant
Supports SUSHI
Coming soon
Research Output module
ERM, Workflow & Usage Stats
Research Output Module
DOI upload and validation
Article enrichment
RO and Subs. comparison
Citation analysis
Coming soon

Frequently Asked Questions
Below, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions requires no local installation and is accessible through your browser. For the best experience, we recommend the Chrome browser.
Our modular pricing is based on an annual license fee, with unlimited users and no additional charges. The annual license fee is calculated based on institution size and the modules required. Consortia discounts can also apply.
In order to start using the system, we recommend that you upload a list of your subscriptions. The list of uploaded subscriptions should have: - Title name - Subscription periods - Prices and currency - Publisher name Once you have uploaded the list, you can start using the system.