Subscription People, the company behind ROAM.plus, is a Copenhagen-based company, owned and managed by its two founders, Tejs Grevstad and Nels Rune Jensen.
In 2014 Subscription People created the first version of ConsortiaManager in collaboration with the Danish Digital Libraries. The collaboration resulted in a workflow tool, meant to help library consortia manage their communication with publishers and members. ConsortiaManager focused on streamlining the workflows involved in negotiating publisher agreements, managing member subscriptions and executing tasks as easily as possible. Since then almost 40 consortia around the world have started using ConsortiaManager to better serve the needs of their 4000+ member libraries.
The innovative functionality of the tool quickly garnered interest from consortia members about the possibility of creating a similar tool for the libraries themselves. In late 2017, the initial outline of such a tool was drawn up and two libraries, Malmo University and Stanford Graduate School of Business, assisted in testing and developing the tool. In August 2019, ROAM.plus was released in its first version, which focused on streamlining workflows and included functionality that combined tasks that had previously been divided between multiple external systems. Currently, the acquisition decision support functionality, including the management of transformative agreements is being developed for release in the near future.